2.30 pm - 4.30 pm > Student globalization, mobility and attractiveness in the Middle East

Mondialisation étudiante, mobilités et attractivité au Moyen-Orient

Wed 12th jui 23
2:30-4:30 P.M

Athéna 051


In the Middle East, as elsewhere, universities are no longer just one of the central institutions of national construction and the training of elites. They are also one of the gateways to globalization. More and more university systems in the region are adopting governance reforms that are diffusing into the international field of higher education and are inspired by the commercial world (Marginson, 2008, Romani, 2012). At the same time, in several countries, from Turkey to Jordan and the north of Cyprus, the university is increasingly perceived as a tool for the visibility and "attractiveness" of the territory. Students are as much potential vectors of influence as consumers for the local economy. Local authorities and academic institutions are establishing strategies to promote and showcase this attractiveness. However, these strategies are sometimes difficult to articulate with the motivations of international students themselves. Our workshop proposes to bring together researchers who are each working on a case of student mobility to or from a location in the Middle East.

Théotime Chabre, Mesopolhis, Farkhad Alimukhamedov LaSSP

Yaşar Kondakçı, Middle East Technical University


Norina Fischer, Fulda University of Applied Sciences
Mobile and transnational lives - the case of German Jordanian University students

Théotime Chabre, Sciences Po Aix, Mesopolhis 
Becoming a destination, for what? Political dimensions of the “student attractiveness” dispositive, the case of North-Cyprus

Farkhad Alimukhamedov, Sciences Po Toulouse, LaSSP
The internationalization of higher education in Turkey and the experiences of sub-Saharan African students in Ankara

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