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Exhibition : Putting waste into images
SEMOMM's General Assembly
-- Tuesday 11th July --
8.30 am- 10.30 am
Eurasian Mobilities and the Transnationalisation of the Religious in the Contemporary Era: Comparative Perspectives on Muslim Populations in France, China, Russia and Turkey
Expressions and repression of the Hirâk: from 7/8 to 87 bis
The fight for the individual freedoms of women in Morocco in fiction and in reality
Difficulties in adapting young Muslims in the Middle East and Maghreb in a rapidly changing global context
Life course, activist subjectivities and sectoral struggles in the Maghreb (post) 2011
Between resonances and dissonances: Rereading the West in Arabic literatures (1/2))
Refugees: exile and creative writing (1/2)
Art of Conversation in the Arabic Culture 1/2
Circulations, mobilities and transformations of societies at the time of the Nahda and Muslim reformism (1/2)
Non-violence in contemporary Islam between theorization and activism: itineraries for the construction of a polyphonic discourse
La culture écrite dans les Balkans ottomans : enjeux, approches et perspectives
A proteus with a thousand hands of writing: canons, theories and methods of the history of art from the Arab and Persian worlds
Panorama of clothing among Muslim dignitaries: aestheticized power, formalized ethics
Historiography in the Arab East and West: Methods, Circulations and Discourses (VII-IXth/XIIIth-XVth centuries)
11.00 am- 1.00 pm
Local practices in response to environmental destruction. Comparative workshop between Palestine, Kyrgyzstan, Egypt and Turkey
Daily newspapers “in crisis” in Lebanon. Reconfigurations of social relations and politicization of actors.
Linking the traces of feminism in the Maghreb and the Middle East. History and sociology of feminist actions and words (20th and 21st centuries).
Being Black in the Arab world
Biographical analysis of militancy and migration in times of political crisis
Between resonances and dissonances: Rereading the West in Arabic literatures (2/2)
The Art of Conversation in the Arabic Language (2)
Circulations, mobility and transformations of societies in the time of developmentalism (2/2)
Reinventing ways of preaching: media, techniques, practices (Islam and Christianity in the Middle East since the 1950s)
Medieval Arabic epigraphy outside the Islamic context
Islam in the Museum: Reflections on Islamic Art Collections in Europe
The Ahl al-Bayt in the Medieval and Modern Arabian Peninsula
New perspectives on Medieval Libya
2.30 pm - 4.30 pm
Theorization of revolt in Islam?
(Re) make community abroad among the Turks of France
Des vies incertaines : politique du quotidien en Irak
Female testimony in the Middle East: transmissions and silences on violent experiences
Gender-based violence in educational settings: resistance or resilience?
Performances and revolts
The question of manuscripts and edited manuscripts: references, re-examinations and sources
Refugees: exile and creative writing (2) Debate with two Arab novelists
Arabic literature (sixteenth-eighteenth centuries) between tradition and renewal
Algerian exile and migration in Palestine, nineteenth-twentieth centuries
Beyond violence: Islamic-Christian cohabitations and encounters in Niger
Calligraphies in Arabic characters: new corpora and new methodological approaches
Islamic archeology in question
Politique intérieure et étrangère du Royaume de Géorgie après la Reconquista. Sur l'exemple de la ville de Dmanisi
Legal co-construction in Ifrīqiya in the fourth/tenth century
-- Wednesday 12th July --
8.30 am- 10.30 am
Document, exchange and think about theoretical, methodological and ethical issues of the SHS in times of political contestation (1/2)
The procedures of de-radicalization in Morocco: qualitative approach and analysis of the paths of the fight against violent radicalism
Ten years after the uprisings: the perspectives of political Islam (1/2)
The State put at a distance? Public action instruments at the service of the transformation of local authorities (1/2)
The making of the security issue in the Turkish audiovisual sector
Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Political Regimes in the Middle East
Methods of approaching, processing and exploiting large manuscript corpora in Arabic literature (1)
The Writings of Crime in Arabic Literature
The distorting mirrors of Persian literature
Foreign congregations in the production of Ottoman urban peripheries in the 19th century: Istanbul, Jerusalem, Mamuret ül-Aziz, Van
Equality and plurality of personal status in Muslim worlds
Urban and architectural production during the Ottoman period in the Arab world
Between magic and prayer: incantation bowls through the centuries, a continuous testimony to the sacredness of language in the Middle East.
The expression of plural identities in the Turkish area and in its transnational relations
Protections and political affiliations in modern and contemporary eras
11.00 am- 1.00 pm
Documenting, exchanging and thinking about the theoretical, methodological and ethical issues of SHS in times of political contestation (2)
"Entering" and "exiting" Islam: cross-views on the trajectories, dynamics and commitments around religious conversion
Ten years after the uprisings: the perspectives of political Islam (2/2)
The State put at a distance? The drivers of local participation in the post-2011 Arab world (2/2)
Paysages frontaliers de l'est de la Turquie
Which educational diplomacy for which network? Competition and cooperation between French establishments in Morocco and Lebanon from the 1960s to the present day
Methods of approach, treatment and exploitation of large manuscript corpora in Arabic literature (2)
Representation(s) of the dictator in contemporary Arab artistic and literary productions: criticism and hermeneutics
Ferdowsi's Shâhnâmeh in the Muslim world and in the West: creations, adaptations and illustrations
Production symbolique et politique de l'espace dans les capitales du Moyen-Orient et du monde musulman
Religious identity, State law and minorities' rights
Fortified architecture in the early modern Ottoman Empire: material and archaeological approaches
Circulation of contemporary Muslim aesthetic practices between France and Arab countries. Orientalism, emancipation and respectability.
Nuṣayrie-Alawi literature: contribution to the history of a marginal near-eastern community and evaluation of its contribution to history
The disinheritance of Kabyle women (1748-1749)
2.30 pm - 4.30 pm
The construction of civil societies in the Maghreb, between dependencies and emancipation
Beyond religious conversion, what changes in the lives of women? The case of conversions to evangelical Protestantism in Algeria
Revolutionary Defeats and Emotional Legacies
The Invention of the State from the Margins: A Study Based on the Question of Illegalism
Forms of Kurdish resistance in Iran and Turkey 19th-20th centuries
Student globalization, mobility and attractiveness in the Middle East
La diversité culturelle et linguistique du dialecte judéo-arabe maghrébin moderne
Recherche de récits numériques du Moyen-Orient et d'Afrique du Nord : entre multimodalité et tradition
Historiciser les émeutes de Constantine, 1934 : regards croisés
Le Fiqh des relations interconfessionnelles dans l'empire ottoman
Construction in Algeria in the medieval and modern eras: actors, materials, techniques and know-how
Cooking, presenting, storing. Containers and contents in the dietary practices of the medieval Islamic West
Migration and nationality in the Ottoman Empire and Republican Turkey (19th-20th centuries)
Nouvelles perspectives sur les conflits ottomans-safavides : Écrits sur la guerre par des soldats, des espions, des frères et des voyageurs (fin XVIe - début XVIIe siècles)
-- Thursday 13th July --
8.30 am- 10.30 am
Revolutions, gender and sexuality in the Maghreb and the Middle East
The traces of Muslims in exile
Questioning the reconfigurations of “oppositions” in urban Türkiye
On media censorship in the Maghreb and the Middle East: Devices, logics, practices
Popular cultures in the Levant: orality, sensoriality, materiality
Scrap, recovery and repair: uses and economic practices in Arab cities (1/2)
Plurilingualism in the classroom of and in French in Lebanon
Arabic linguistics and lexicology: bilingual Arabic dictionaries today, issues, perspectives, methodology
Beyond personal experience, the Muslim mystic in the city
The founding texts of Mālikism: memories and receptions in the Muslim West
Le rôle du khorasan dans le développement des arts islamiques au Moyen-Orient
The Darb Zubayda: history, archeology and heritage
The Salaf in the Classical Age — Construction of an Authority Figure
Approaches to Islam and scholarly traditions from the 17th century to the present day
11.00 am- 1.00 pm
Societal transformations in the Middle East: religion, politics, gender
Heritage and Identity in Palestine : actors, uses, issues
Rethinking the relationship to authoritarian power. Expressions and political claims from the margins in Jordan.
Journalisms in Turkey post 2011: actors, actresses and professional practices in the context of crises
La représentation de la culture populaire dans les diverses formes d'expression artistique au Maroc
Scrap, recovery and repair: uses and economic practices in Arab cities (2/2)
Intercultural competence in FLE in the Algerian university context
Evolution and lexical creativity in contemporary Arabic
The revival of the doctrine of Ibn al-ʿArabī: some aspects of the late interpretation of his work
The Asarite Via Moderna in the Maghreb: reception and appropriation (11th-15th centuries)
Identité et matérialité dans l'empire ottoman
Transjordan after the Crusades through four archaeological projects around Shawbak
Nouvelles perspectives sur les débuts de l'histoire transnationale de la salafiya
New perspectives of research in Islamology: multidisciplinary perspectives and contemporary issues
3.30 pm- 5.30 pm
Feminist mobilizations in Algeria and Tunisia: tactics of occupation of public space, backlash and revolutionary solidarities
Yemeni heritage? Constitution, transmission and appropriation of financial, political and identity capital in migration
Instructions and speeches in political and urban tensions
Perspectives on motherhood: literature, anthropology and linguistics
So far, so close: comparative approach of urban atmospheres in the north and south of Tunisia
Discourses and Representations of Arab and Muslim Minorities in Francophone Literature and Media: Case Studies
What place for the ḥadīṯ in Muslim law?
Constructing the norm in minority Islams: an investigation into the constitution of Shiite and Ibadi legal corpuses
Cinema and the prison environment in the Maghreb and the Middle East: representations, testimonies, issues
Rethinking Moroccan tourist destinations in the era of social networks
Pre-Adamism in Islam
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Ababsa Myriam
(1 document)
Abdelhamid Maha
(1 document)
Abdelli Samir
(1 document)
Abderrahim Mahindad Naima
(1 document)
Abdouli Hafed
(1 document)
Abécassis Frédéric
(2 documents)
Abescat Camille
(1 document)
Abou Fakher Alma
(1 document)
Abou Haidar Laura
(1 document)
Abou Harb Areej
(1 document)
Abou Mrad Georges
(1 document)
Achieng Stella Anne
(1 document)
Adamou Mahamadou
(1 document)
Agsous Sadia
(2 documents)
Aillet Cyrille
(1 document)
Aït Slimani Zouina
(2 documents)
Akel Ibrahim
(1 document)
Akgonul Samim
(3 documents)
Aktas-Celik Elif
(1 document)
Al Majali Solenn
(1 document)
Al-Rachid Loulouwa
(1 document)
Al-Radi Muḥammad
(1 document)
Al-Shokhy Ahmad
(1 document)
Alavi Aida
(1 document)
Alhamadah Youssef
(1 document)
Ali Mennah
(1 document)
Alimukhamedov Farkhad
(1 document)
Aljabzi Mustafa Naji
(1 document)
Alotaibi Ajab M
(1 document)
Alsancakli Sacha
(1 document)
Amer Kheloudja
(1 document)
Amharar Ilyass
(3 documents)
Amin Nada
(1 document)
Appelt Nicolas
(1 document)
Archambault-Küch Marie-Laure
(1 document)
Argoud Julien
(1 document)
Armand Aupiais
(1 document)
Arminjon Constance
(1 document)
Assaf Laure
(1 document)
Assam Malika
(1 document)
Ateş Burcu
(1 document)
Aube Sandra
(1 document)
Azaitraoui Mustapha
(1 document)
Azim Sara
(1 document)
Azouani-Rekkas Hamida
(1 document)
Azzedine Amina
(1 document)
Azzedine Sara
(1 document)
Babou Serigne-Wadane
(1 document)
Bachmar Karim
(1 document)
Baghali Hawzhin
(1 document)
Bagheri Sahar
(1 document)
Bahraoui Hassan
(1 document)
Baida Tachfine
(1 document)
Balbo Eduardo
(1 document)
Baptiste Enki
(1 document)
Bar-Asher Meir
(1 document)
Barbary Caroline
(1 document)
Bargaoui Sami
(1 document)
Barrières Sarah
(1 document)
Barzun Céline
(1 document)
Bassi Marie
(2 documents)
Bavard Florie
(1 document)
Baynham Mike
(1 document)
Baziz Nassima
(1 document)
Beaud Guillaume
(1 document)
Becan Elif
(1 document)
Beddoubia Sihem
(1 document)
Bedjaoui Wafa
(1 document)
Belarbi Abdelillah
(1 document)
Belhocine Houa
(1 document)
Bellino Francesca
(2 documents)
Bellour Riwan
(1 document)
Ben Ayed Maya
(1 document)
Ben Hadj Salem Mohsen
(1 document)
Ben Mami Riadh Amine
(1 document)
Ben Mansour Mohamed
(2 documents)
Ben Othman Hend
(1 document)
Ben Rejeb Inès
(1 document)
Ben Slama Hanene
(1 document)
Ben Slimane Fatma
(1 document)
Ben Tekaya Nizar
(1 document)
Ben Yahmed Sonia
(1 document)
Ben Yakoub Joachim Hakim
(1 document)
Benayed Maya
(1 document)
Benchekor Lina
(1 document)
Bendana Kmar
(1 document)
Benhaïm Yohanan
(1 document)
Benhima Yassir
(1 document)
Benkherfallah Sami
(1 document)
Bentouhami Hourya
(1 document)
BenYacoub Naima
(1 document)
Berger Maena
(1 document)
Berger Maurits
(1 document)
Bernard Eva
(1 document)
Bianco Annamaria
(4 documents)
Biondi Martina
(1 document)
Blanc Julien
(1 document)
Blanc Théo
(1 document)
Boëx Cécile
(1 document)
Bongianino Umberto
(1 document)
Bonnefoi Florian
(1 document)
Bonnéric Julie
(1 document)
Bontemps Véronique
(1 document)
Bossaert Marie
(1 document)
Bou Akl Ziad
(1 document)
Bouali Hassan
(1 document)
Bouaouinate Asmae
(1 document)
Bouchiba Farid
(1 document)
Boudjellal Nadir
(2 documents)
Bouhlel Maha
(1 document)
Boumghar Mouloud
(1 document)
Bourmaud Philippe
(1 document)
Boussaïd Khadidja
(1 document)
Boutaleb Assia
(1 document)
Brac de la Perrière Eloïse
(2 documents)
Breton-Grangeat Mélodie
(1 document)
Brette Nathalie
(1 document)
Brisville Marianne
(1 document)
Brisville-Fertin Olivier
(1 document)
Brücker Pauline
(1 document)
Brunner Rainer
(1 document)
Bubtana Inas Mohamed Ali
(1 document)
Bugnon Pascale
(1 document)
Bülbül Onur
(1 document)
Cagnina Alba
(1 document)
Cancian Alessandro
(1 document)
Candiard Adrien
(1 document)
Carcélès Rémi
(1 document)
Carriglio Stefania
(1 document)
Cartier Stéphane
(1 document)
Casciarri Barbara
(1 document)
Chabre Théotime
(1 document)
Chakor-Alami Khalid
(2 documents)
Chakroun Ghazi
(1 document)
Chaouachi Alma
(1 document)
Charpentier Agnés
(1 document)
Chatelard Geraldine
(1 document)
Chaudiron Laura
(1 document)
Cheikh Meriam
(1 document)
Cherbi Massensen
(1 document)
Chergui Samia
(1 document)
Cherih Chaouki
(1 document)
Chevrillon-Guibert Raphaëlle
(1 document)
Chiabotti Francesco
(1 document)
Chiffoleau Sylvia
(1 document)
Chioukh Rebiha
(1 document)
Chkhvimiani Jimsher
(1 document)
Chowra Makaremi
(1 document)
Chtara Chiraz
(1 document)
Claudel Paul-André
(1 document)
Cole Joshua
(1 document)
Cooper Barbara
(1 document)
Coppens Pieter
(1 document)
Courreye Charlotte
(1 document)
Cox Nikolaus Hochstein
(1 document)
Cristofoli François
(1 document)
Cuzol Valérie
(1 document)
Çelebi Mustafa
(1 document)
D'Anna Luca
(1 document)
Daaif Lahcen
(1 document)
Dahmani Sana
(1 document)
Dakhli Leyla
(1 document)
Damien Romain
(1 document)
Darwish Housamedden
(1 document)
De Facci Damiano
(2 documents)
De Obaldia Vanessa
(1 document)
De Tapia Aude Aylin
(1 document)
Demurishvili Natia
(1 document)
Détue Frédérik
(1 document)
Diab Duranton Salam
(2 documents)
Dichy Joseph
(1 document)
Dirèche Karima
(1 document)
Djelloul Ghaliya
(1 document)
Domingues da Silva Mateus
(1 document)
Donabedian-Demopoulos Anaid
(1 document)
Doyle Gabriel
(1 document)
Dragani Amalia
(1 document)
Drechselova Lucie
(1 document)
Driss Fatima-Zahra
(1 document)
Ducene Jean-Charles
(2 documents)
Duclos-Valois Juliette
(1 document)
Dumas Juliette
(3 documents)
Dupont Victor
(1 document)
Durand Emmanuelle
(1 document)
Durocher Maxime
(1 document)
Duvigneau Julie
(1 document)
El Awad Hasnaa
(1 document)
El Gendy Gehad
(1 document)
El Housni Khalid
(1 document)
El Karraz Mehdi
(1 document)
Elgueni Aziz
(1 document)
Elias Nicolas
(1 document)
Er-Rifaiy Amina
(1 document)
Erdi Gülçin
(1 document)
Erker Lauren
(1 document)
Ezzat Fadila
(1 document)
Fakkar Salsabil
(1 document)
Fandre Louis
(1 document)
Farah Bushra
(1 document)
Farini Claudia
(1 document)
Farrokhfar Farzaneh
(1 document)
Fathalla Gaara Sarah
(1 document)
Faü Jean-François
(1 document)
Fautras Agathe
(1 document)
Fauve Adrien
(1 document)
Ferrand Antoinette
(1 document)
Filali Ayoub
(1 document)
Fischer Norina
(1 document)
Fischione Fernanda
(1 document)
Florin Bénédicte
(1 document)
Foulon Brigitte
(1 document)
Fourn Léo
(2 documents)
Francesca Ersilia
(2 documents)
Franck Alice
(2 documents)
Fray Saoussen
(1 document)
Furniss Jamie
(1 document)
Gaboreau Werner
(1 document)
Gad Nouran
(1 document)
Gaétan du Roy
(1 document)
Garcia Masip Nuria
(2 documents)
Garnier Sébastien
(2 documents)
Gasc Charlotte
(1 document)
Gaźáková Zuzana
(1 document)
Gebski Wiktor
(1 document)
Genat Mélisande
(1 document)
Georgeon François
(1 document)
Gharbi Salma
(1 document)
Gharrafi Miloud
(2 documents)
Ghiglia Marianna
(2 documents)
Ghorbali Faiçal
(1 document)
Ghorbali Fouad
(1 document)
Ghosn Katia
(1 document)
Gillot Gaëlle
(1 document)
Gilotte Sophie
(1 document)
Gintsburg Sarali
(1 document)
Gosse Matthieu
(1 document)
Gotts Isadora
(1 document)
Gousse Mathieu
(1 document)
Gragueb Soundès
(1 document)
Grandjean Joan
(1 document)
grangaud isabelle
(2 documents)
Gritti Andrea
(1 document)
Grossi Virginia
(1 document)
Grugeon Elsa
(1 document)
Grüneisl Katharina
(1 document)
Guedeau Nolwenn
(2 documents)
Guellouz Mariem
(2 documents)
Gumus Necati Mert
(1 document)
Gün Elif
(1 document)
Habibi Negar
(2 documents)
Hafez Adham
(1 document)
Halabi Malak
(1 document)
Halawi Wissam
(2 documents)
Halft Dennis
(1 document)
Hammou Karim
(1 document)
Haoui Bensaada Samira
(1 document)
Harabech Hager
(1 document)
Hargal Salma
(3 documents)
Hassabo Chaymaa
(2 documents)
Hassan Iyas
(2 documents)
Hellal Salima
(1 document)
Hernández Vilchis Nofret Berenice
(1 document)
Hmed Choukri
(1 document)
Hocine l'hadj épse Salhi Mezhoura
(1 document)
Hoorelbeke Mathias
(1 document)
Hosseini Mighan Seyedeh Fatemeh
(1 document)
Hussein Haitham
(1 document)
Hussein Hayame
(1 document)
Inès el-Sérafi
(1 document)
Iraqi Rhita
(1 document)
Jasem Esmaïl
(1 document)
Jegham Najeh
(3 documents)
Kajo Koussay
(1 document)
Kammourieh Sarah-Madona
(1 document)
Kanchana Radhika
(1 document)
Karame Alya
(1 document)
Karimi Hanane
(1 document)
Kebaili Selima
(1 document)
Kegi Adnan
(1 document)
Keivan Shafigheh
(1 document)
Kenanah Faisal
(3 documents)
Khadali Zineb
(1 document)
Kharrouby Amina Hanane
(1 document)
Khiar Yacine
(1 document)
Klaus Enrique
(1 document)
Kondakçi Yasar
(1 document)
Koralija Srećko
(1 document)
Koshoridze Irina
(1 document)
Kotele Samia
(2 documents)
Kotob Hayssam
(1 document)
Kovalskaya Kristina
(1 document)
Kréfa Abir
(2 documents)
Labadi Taher
(1 document)
Labban Rima
(1 document)
Lagaron- Khalifa Anna
(1 document)
Lahmar Nadège
(1 document)
Lakhal Sarah
(1 document)
Lamblin Célia
(2 documents)
Landau Justine
(1 document)
Landolsi Imen
(1 document)
Larabi Amira
(1 document)
Laroche Manon
(1 document)
Lauret Alexandre
(1 document)
Le Maguer-Gillon Sterenn
(1 document)
Le Pape Loïc
(1 document)
Ledroit Marine
(1 document)
Lemmel Pascal
(1 document)
Licitra Ilenia
(1 document)
Linardi Noemi
(1 document)
Lizzola Irene
(1 document)
Loschi Chiara
(1 document)
Luciani Paul
(1 document)
Ma Linyao
(1 document)
Maache Youcef
(1 document)
Maarawi Elsa
(1 document)
Maataoui Malika
(1 document)
Machinek Kathrin
(1 document)
Madinier Rémy
(1 document)
Mahieu Rosalie
(1 document)
Maillet Léo
(1 document)
Makhoukh Nadia
(1 document)
Malbert Thierry
(1 document)
Malçok Théo
(1 document)
Maloberti Sarah
(1 document)
Mamadou Ibrahim Seyni
(1 document)
Mamdouh Alia
(1 document)
Manfredi Stefano
(1 document)
Mangon Simon
(2 documents)
Marquer Julie
(1 document)
Marquette Charlie
(1 document)
Martin Philippe
(1 document)
Marynower Claire
(1 document)
Masbah Hajar
(1 document)
Mashayekhi Azadeh
(1 document)
Massicard Elise
(1 document)
Massot Anais
(1 document)
Matri Khaoula
(1 document)
Mayens Paul
(1 document)
Mayeur-Jaouen Catherine
(1 document)
Mechelloukh Yassir
(1 document)
Mekideche Chirine
(1 document)
Melis Nicola
(1 document)
Membourou Moimecheme Clarck Junior
(1 document)
Merigeaud Laurie
(1 document)
Mervin Sabrina
(1 document)
Mihan Shiva
(1 document)
Mlih Fouad
(2 documents)
Mochtari de Pierrepont Zacharie
(1 document)
Mohammad Rania
(1 document)
Mohammed Ali Lilas
(1 document)
Molino Machetto Cédric
(1 document)
Montel Aurélien
(1 document)
Moreau Odile
(1 document)
Moret Alice
(1 document)
Morin Marielle
(1 document)
Mostafa Tohir
(1 document)
Moummi Akhésa
(2 documents)
Mourtada Amar
(1 document)
Mouttalib Sophia
(1 document)
Munir-Diab Jinane
(1 document)
Munteanu Anca
(1 document)
Munteanua Anca
(1 document)
Naboulsi Randa
(1 document)
Nadifi Rajaa
(2 documents)
Naim Samia
(1 document)
Natij Salah
(1 document)
Nenna Marie-Dominique
(1 document)
Neveu Norig
(2 documents)
Niayesh Ladan
(1 document)
Nirun Ece
(1 document)
Nissabouri Abdelfattah
(1 document)
Nubuwo Andar
(1 document)
Nucciotti Michele
(1 document)
Nugraha Yordan Ignatius
(1 document)
Ofrath Avner
(1 document)
Ogor Alexis
(1 document)
Ollier Johanna
(1 document)
Oparin Dmitriy
(1 document)
Ory Vincent
(1 document)
Ouchane Sami
(1 document)
Oueslati Abdurraouf
(1 document)
Oulahal Rachid
(1 document)
Oulddali Ahmed
(1 document)
Oussiali Elhoussaine
(1 document)
Ozkaya Merve
(1 document)
Pacifico Antonio
(2 documents)
Paić-Vukić Tatjana
(1 document)
Palmegiani Angelika
(1 document)
Panchetti Benedetta
(1 document)
Paoli Bruno
(2 documents)
Papas Alexandre
(1 document)
Parikh Shreya
(1 document)
Pat Sahika
(1 document)
Pataridze Maia
(1 document)
Patrizi Luca
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