

Please register by clicking on this link
Please note that you should only register if you are ready to complete the process up to the payment (credit card or transfer), it is not possible to re-register afterwards.

Fees :
Scholars: 35 € (for researchers and lecturers)
Doctoral students: 15 €.
The audience: 30 €.

Only students (L and M) and SEMOMM members are exempt from the registration fee. Some laboratories can take care of these fees, either by reimbursement on invoice (automatically issued after payment by credit card), or by purchase order. 

Cultural activities :
Several cultural activities are offered with a limited number of places. Registration will allow us to evaluate the number of participants.
- Monday afternoon, July 10 (exclusive option):
* visit of the exhibition Fragrant Journeys at the Museum of Fine Arts in Lyon
* visit to the Montluc Memorial with Marc André, author of Une prison pour mémoire, Montluc, de 1944 à nos jours, Lyon, ENS Editions, 2022
* Itinerancy: the places of Islam in Lyon with Christian Delorme 

- Monday, July 10, 7 pm: inaugural lecture by Mercedes Volait, CNRS, INHA: Writing the history of the art worlds in the Middle East: between disputed limits and innovative approaches
- Tuesday, July 11 8 pm: Indonesia evening at the IFCM, screening of the documentary film Le soliloque des muets, by Stéphane Roland, followed by a debate with the director
- Wednesday, July 12 at 8pm at the ENS: screening of the documentary film Le ciel pleura quarante jours, by Sabrina Mervin, followed by a debate with the director

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