2.30 pm - 4.30 pm > Calligraphies in Arabic characters: new corpora and new methodological approaches

Calligraphies in Arabic Script:
Unpublished Corpuses and Renewed Methodologies 

Tue 11th July 23
2:30-4:30 P.M
Déméter 019


Abstract :

Calligraphy in Arabic script shows remarkable developments in certain regions of the Islamic world (Africa, India, South-East Asia and China, Anatolia and the Balkans). Since the Medieval period, calligraphies in these regions evolved differently from the canon established in Baghdad during the 9th and 10th centuries. A comparative study of the corpuses of calligraphies that emerged in these regions, sometimes separated by great distances, show intriguing analogies. Understanding the origins of the artistic relations across these areas can help us to propose a decentered history of the material culture of the Islamicate world. During this panel, we aim to present certain groups of scripts and to discuss the issues and implications of their study within the frame of the ANR-Project “Calligraphies at the Frontiers of the Islamicate World” (CallFront). The establishment of a common ontology has allowed us to build a digital corpus shared by the team of researchers studying these scripts. Moreover, to overcome the lack of textual sources documenting the history of these scripts, we have developed an experimental methodology of research based on the collaboration with professional calligraphers. 

Éloïse Brac de la Perrière, INHA, Sorbonne Université / UMR 8167 Orient et Méditerranée 


Maxime Durocher and  Vincent Thérouin, Sorbonne Université, UMR 8167 Orient et Méditerranée
Définir une ontologie de la calligraphie et bâtir un corpus transrégional : apports et enjeux du numérique 

Umberto Bongianino (Faculty of Oriental Studies, Université d’Oxford
Decolonising Moroccan Epigraphy: A Fresh Look at Neglected Inscriptions

Alya Karame, Orient Institut Beirut
Crossing Media: Qur’anic Scripts and Motifs in 11th-12th century Khurasan

ÉloïseBrac de la Perrière, INHA, SU, UMR 8167 Orient et Méditerranée, Nuria Garcia Masip, Sorbonne Université, UMR 8167 Orient et Méditerranée
Vers une histoire de l’art islamique expérimentale : recherches sur des protocoles d’étude de la calligraphie bihari à travers la praxis

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